FINALLY! A Planner Custom-Designed for Direct Sellers

Prioritize + Organize + Manage & Balance Your Life + Biz

Planner Tracker, Training, Calendar & Accountability system that helps Direct Sellers SKYROCKET their business productivity & success!

without time-management blocks, chasing task after task, or wasting money on calendars and planners that suck!



Includes 4 FREE Trainings


You Know It's True...

Most Direct Sellers say to themselves “with a home-based business, it can’t be that hard to get things organized and manage my time”


Well, that couldn’t be further from the truth…


Especially when you’re making a go of it alone…




You’re managing your life + your business that way!


Hey, it’s not your fault, it’s in our nature as women to put on that “Super Woman” cape and repeat the mantra…


“I Got This”


However, over my 9 years in Direct Sales as a mom, sole breadwinner, business owner and now coach…


I know from trudging through it all and making all the mistakes…


That SUCCESSFUL Direct Sellers (That’s You) enjoy having peace of mind knowing exactly what to focus on each day to keep your life and biz in balance.


If you’ve ever “tried” other calendars and planners that are “designed for Direct Sellers” you already know how disappointing & overwhelming they can be…

Those "OTHER" Planners & Calendars Are Full of Shit Like

✔️ Way more tracking than what’s necessary so you feel like you are ALWAYS behind on staying organized… (You don’t need that crap)


✔️ Page after page to organize your house that you never get to because you’re too busy running your household… (You don’t need that crap either)


✔️ Focusing too much on either life or business, so you feel like one is always suffering and you have way to much to do… (I give you permission to stop the madness, RIGHT NOW)

Plus I ELIMINATED all the crap that’s got you feeling:


Unorganized, frazzled, like you never get anything done and like nothing ever goes the way you plan it.


And while we’re at it…


If you’re thinking “I’m already using this calendar system, with this computer tracking software and that binder solution and I am STILL overwhelmed and frustrated + highly unorganized” 


No worries…


I Created The Direct $ales Success System With YOU In Mind

Jamie Burnes

HOLY COW! In 3 days, my life has changed! 

Alishia Willardson I am sure that you know this, but you are pure genius!!!!! I finally sat down this week and started diving into my Direct $ales Success System. Holy cow! 


In 3 days, my life has changed! These are all things I have been working on for months, but the way that you have put them into the system, has helped focus my thoughts and I am being a much more efficient person. 


Thanks You so much for everything that you do to help us be successful!!!


I just spent 15 minutes journaling and really could have kept going. I have always had a hard time putting thoughts into words, but know, I am overflowing with ways to do this. I will keep doing this. 


I can't wait to see what life holds in 90 days! It will be amazing!!!

Beth Millman

 I actually feel a sense of calm. Who knew?


How do I love thee, Direct $ales  Success System? Let me count thy ways as I "balance" the two sides of my life: SAG-AFTRA and my pet nutrition business. 


This small but lively planner handles it all for me: calendar, exercise, self-development, accomplishments and is also a gratitude journal and wait for it: it fits in my purse!! 


Yup. Last year I used the To do list app and my Outlook calendar and I was racing for my life. 


This year I am using the Direct $ales Sucess System and for the first time in a long while, I actually feel a sense of calm. Who knew? ‪


Ruth Ann Bartlett-Vadnais

 I actually feel a sense of calm. Who knew?


Loving my new DSSS - received it yesterday. 


What do I love? Where do I start? 


Not only is it beautiful, it also will keep me on track & accountable; the recommended reading is right up my alley; the Hour of Power & Grateful & Accomplishments area remind me to do these things; Follow the Process - no trying here of course it's a calendar too; and really so much more. 


Love it! ♡ ( Alishia Willardson I hope you are starting the 2021 one.)










Prioritize, Organize, Manage & Balance Your Life + Biz

Now – I’ve structured everything so as soon as you receive your Direct $ales Success System, you’ll have the training implemented & already seeing the results.


This is because I’ve deliberately systematized every aspect of prioritizing, organizing, managing, balancing your life + biz.


And what I’m doing for you in that training is helping you start your day with small, yet POWERFUL things that will tackle your big list that you want to get done. So when the end of the day comes, you feel excited and confident that you can do it all.


I’ve even done a lot of the heavy lifting for you…Telling you exactly the order to structure your life, how to structure your daily business tasks, and how to lead your team as well.


This is your all-in-one system to keep everything organized easily and effectively without the stress and overwhelm of traditional calendars and planners.


(After implementing this for almost 5 years straight, I’ve gotten good at FAST results.)


The “worst” that can happen is you find 1 or 2 more ways to help you eliminate the feelings of frustration and overwhelm…


The best that can happen is we work together through the Direct $ales Success System to help you get on cloud nine with your house running in tip top shape and your business growing consistently day by day, week by week, month by month. FREE trips? You’ve got it in the bag.




An Easy to implement system that keeps you on track & focusing on only the things that increase your business profits. Level Advancements? Here you come, baby!


After all, I’m the BEST Direct Sales coach there is on the planet for a reason…


My stuff works, and I KNOW that when you get your Direct $ales Success System, you’ll be ecstatic with the results you get in your life + biz too.


Consider this:


Over the past 11 years I was in Direct Sales, I generated over $1 Million DOLLARS in PERSONAL SALES and helped 1,000’s of other consultants skyrocket their sales too.


It all starts with prioritizing, organizing, managing and balancing…


This is why I’m sought out by Direct Sellers all over the world!


Before we jump into the goods…


I want you to know that I know that there’s lots of other planners and systems that you can choose from out there…


So I am going to cut through the crap and be completely transparent about what makes the Direct $ales Success System different...


It's The ONLY System of It's Kind for Direct Sellers

✔️ That eliminates the unorganized chaos of being pulled in 10 different directions and gives you the peace of mind knowing exactly what to focus on each day to keep your life + biz in balance. (We’ve left all the overwhelming things out)


 ✔️ Banishes the overwhelm and frustration with an easy-to-implement system that keeps you on track and focusing on the things that increase your business profits. (Level Advancements? Here you come!)


 ✔️ Is your one stop shop calendar + tracker + accountability + organization + personal development + training…So your day starts with a small, yet POWERFUL tasks that SKYROCKET your success and efficiency in all areas of your life. (We’ve given you the tools to make magic happen)


 ✔️ That stops you from barely being afloat in your life and business and puts you on cloud nine with your house running in tip top shape while your business is growing day by day, week by week, month by month. (FREE Trips? You’ve got this in the bag)



Includes 4 FREE Trainings

I am so happy I got the Direct $ales Success System!!! I am getting back on track with my business and I love my morning hour of power!!!  Finally I have found something to hold me accountable for myself and my training and to give me the extra push to fill my calendar.

~ Erin Hartman ~

Got my Direct $ales Success System working for me this morning. Set office hours with my customers and team members. Rocking it out one thing at a time. 

 ~ Samantha Rose ~

I'm so unfocused even the thought of 12 weeks overwhelms me. One of the reasons I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Direct $ales Success System is I get to set daily intentions. I do have yearly business ones set, but even just daily is enough for me right now. Depression/Anxiety and a few other things keep me at one day at a time, but when I first saw this, I was back to one hour at a time, so I am on the up

~ Amy Taylor ~

A Look Inside The. Direct $ales Success System

Leaving out the shit that creates that overwhelming panic of needing to do it all

As you can see, this is NOTHING like the other planners and calendars that you see out there... 


Not only is it gorgeously designed, it:

  • Comes with training to help you easily and effortlessly implement this system into your life


  • Sets you up to GO BIG in 2019 with your monthly Vision Board


  • Has tracking templates so you can always see where you are and where you’re going


  • Trains you monthly with tips that give you mini business boosts all year long


  • Is your Life + Biz resource to help you maximize on your time and organization


  • Has a daily view that will consistently keep you on track with overwhelm & frustration





Includes 4 FREE Trainings

A look inside...

Monthly Resources

This is the FIRST part of what you need to succeed - this is the FOUNDATION of the Direct $ales Success System and why you'll be so successful using it... 


Now you can be your own accountability partner and guide yourself through a monthly process that will help you grow in your business. 


Your system comes equipped with a reflection section every month where you ask yourself 5 questions which give you all that you need to set those STRONG intentions for the future. 

  • 2 pages of notes so you can journal your thoughts as well as ideas that come up throughout the month.


  • Direct Sale Tip: Think of it like a mini business booster each month


  • In Her Words: Learn what other Direct Sellers are doing to D💥minate their Direct Sales Biz.


  • Monthly Visions: Easy to focus on intentions each month so they are easier to achieve 


  • Hostess/Party Tracker: Keep your hostesses information with you at all time


  • Reflection Questions: Helps you track where you are so you know where you want to go


  • Recruit Tracker: Easily know where you need to focus to build your team faster



Includes 4 FREE Trainings

A look inside...

Monthly & Weekly Views

This is the SECOND part of what you need to succeed - the simple way to ORGANIZE your life + biz makes the Direct $ales Success a staple in your eery day life and business. ORGANIZATION of your life and business

  • Weekly Intentions: To keep you focused to achieve monthly visions


  • Daily Major Focus Items: To help you feel productive even if you don’t get it “All” done. 


  • Things to Remember: Because we tend to forget the things that we need to remember


  • I am Gratefuls: The power of gratitude will help you achieve MAJOR life + Biz success. 


  • Hour of Power Tracker: Because it must be done every day to keep the balance


  • Recommended Reading: Because you should be reading to improve yourself, plus it’s part of your Hour of Power



Includes 4 FREE Trainings

A look inside...

Training for Your Life + Biz

This is the THIRD part of what you need to succeed - This is the HEART of the Direct $ales Success System and what makes this a lasting change in your life + biz

  • Everything you need to put yourself first without feeling guilty and create a symmetry between your life and business so that you can stop running around like a chicken with your head cut off.


  • In test after test, it’s proven that you will achieve more in your personal life and professional life when you focus on the things that you are most grateful for. You have space every day to write at least 5 things that you are grateful for that day. Remember, what you focus on most becomes your reality…


  • This is your simple solution to that nagging “To Do” list…In this system you will learn about how to use accomplishment lists so that what you need to get done is prioritized and you eliminate the feelings of overwhelm & “Trying” to get it ALL done.



Includes 4 FREE Trainings

A look inside...

Resources for Your Life+ Biz

This is the FOURTH part of what you need to succeed - Bringing everything together in the Direct $ales Success System to make it easy to implement

  • The ONLY training program you need to SKYROCKET your DS biz


  • How to create your monthly vision board so that it’s powerful


  • Resources for the busy mom and wife (WOOT! WOOT!)



Includes 4 FREE Trainings

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